Our services cost 3 times as much as we charge clients. And it's your help that will close that gap! Your donation means clients continue to get services they need at a cost they can afford.
Your gift is the light that makes these smiles shine. DONATE TODAY so we can continue to provide our clients and horses the quality services and care they deserve. It's your support that makes this possible.
Choose from the following giving levels, or donate whatever amount you can:
$40 provides one month of feed for one of the horses
$75 provides a therapeutic riding lesson for a child with a disability
$250 covers the cost of the monthly farrier visit for the horses
$500 provides an 8-week scholarship for a client with a disability
$1000 sponsors veterinary care for a horse for a year
Yunque & Jibaron
We are committed to providing services for ALL individuals - including those who cannot afford to pay for services.
We hope to serve more than 200 clients per year. In order to accomplish this, we need funding for individuals who do not have the means to pay for services.
Sponsors who donate are giving a gift of hope to individuals who need it most, and deserve our services.

KT & Chocolate

For illustration only
We currently have a herd of five superb equines, (four of them are rescues) - KTJ, Yunque, Jibaron, Boo, and the most recent addition, Ché. Keeping our horses healthy and happy so they can work at their best is our top priority.
Daily each horse is fed, watered, exercised, groomed, and given time to graze in our pastures at the farm near our center. In addition, they all have regular health checks, visits from the farrier (to trim and shoe their hooves) and veterinary costs for vaccinations and other health care.
The average cost is $300/month per horse. We hope to serve more than 200 clients per year. Supporting our horses helps make miracles happen by.
Donations can be made via PayPal, ATH Movil, cash, OR check or money order made payable to Horses of Hope / Caballos de Esperanza Inc. We are also in need of equipment, supplies and services. For questions or to learn more, contact us by calling 787-379-9305, via email at horsesofhopepr@gmail.com, or through our Facebook page. GRACIAS!
Now donate with cryptocurrency
Wish List for Equipment and Services
See our Wishlist for horsesofhopepr@gmail.com on Amazon
2 Wagons
Ladders (step and extension)
Solar electric fence chargers
3 Manure rakes
Buckets, barrels (25 gal., 10 gal, 5 gal)
Grooming brushes
Fence building
Land clearing
Metal working – for shipping container renovation
Gas weed whacker